Melanie Ebersole

Melanie Ebersole teaches fourth grade at the Ecclesial School at Saint Alban’s. She grew up in Western Maryland and worked for the local school system in the Human Resources department. Her director encouraged Melanie to get her degree and go into teaching, as that had been a childhood dream. Melanie obtained her Masters of Arts in Elementary Education. She began her teaching career at a public school in Maryland. During her time there, she and her husband both became Christians. She started a weekly prayer group with her co-workers, and encouraged them in their walks with the Lord. In 2019, Melanie, her husband, and their four children moved to Sanford, so that her husband could attend Reformation Bible College. Melanie and her family are members of Saint Andrews Chapel, where both her and her husband serve as children's Sunday School teachers. She has taught first through fourth grade in public schools in Maryland and Florida, and is excited to serve the families of the Ecclesial School.