Educational Focus

Preparation for Life

Education prepares children for a virtuous life, not just to excel in a college or career. What children need is intellectual and spiritual formation that prepares them to be competent and independent learners, providing practical experience applying their education wisely for the common good.

We believe the best preparation for life is a classical liberal arts education, where learning begins in wonder and culminates in wisdom and service.

A remarkable education

Our focus on preparation for life, and our conviction about the wonder of creation and human history and creativity, led us to adopt a classical curriculum, where we:

-Delve into the rich content of the liberal arts tradition to cultivate the skills of learning , leveraging the inexhaustible founts of math and language

-Ground science education in the embodied, interactive, and observational practices of natural history

-Contextualize technology, engineering, and applied mathematics (the “Skills of Service”) in the field, the garden, and the workshop

To The Things Themselves

Technology can be a useful tool, but gadgets will not guarantee a quality education. It is inspiring interaction with the natural world, human history, and creative endeavors that provides inexhaustible sources of wonder. They alone can beckon a child to the love of learning. This is why we connect learning to the things themselves:

-Good books rather than textbooks and technologies

-Fields and gardens rather than classrooms and labs

-Real tools in live contexts rather than demonstrations or prepared labs