jordan stewart

Jordan Stewart will be joining the dialectic Language Arts faculty at The Ecclesial School at St. Alban’s to teach Latin, Logic, and Literature. For the past four years, Jordan has taught these subjects and others at The Geneva School in Casselberry, in addition to being a graduate of the same school in 2013. With his undergraduate degree in Classical Studies and Philosophy from Rollins College, he loves to read, think, and write about the great questions that have occupied human beings from the ancient world to the present time. In a couple of months, he will also finish a Master’s degree in Theology from the hybrid-distance program at Nashotah House Theological Seminary, a seminary in Wisconsin inspired by the Oxford Movement and rooted in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. With his background in classical education and formation in the Anglican tradition, he considers teaching at the St. Alban’s campus a perfect opportunity to pour back into students the extraordinary and life-changing education from which he has benefited tremendously. 

Since 2015 Jordan has been a parishioner of St. Alban’s Anglican Cathedral, where he attends with his wife of five years, Sarah, daughters Amelia (2) and Caroline (1), and many members of his extended family. For the past few years, he has also served the parish as a lay reader. Outside of his work and studies, Jordan enjoys lifting weights, playing soccer, trying to play golf, and game nights with friends and family.